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Moldovan parliament speaker says Leova district to benefit from 76 million lei for national roads' repair

22:27 | 28.06.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 28 June /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu today visited the southern Leova district. During a meeting with mayors and representative of deconcentrated services from the Leova district, the speaker discussed the need to attract funds for supplying settlements with water and sewerage, roads’ repair, modernization of schools and medical institutions.   

The parliament speaker informed that the Leova district in 2024 would benefit from 76 million lei for the repair of national roads and the results within the European Village National Programme would be announced on the immediately next period. ‘’These are things which we want for each village of Moldova; yet, it is up to us, how quickly we will do our homework, in the context of the opening of the negotiations with the European Union, so that we get even more support,’’ Igor Grosu said.      

In Leova, the parliament speaker visited the District Hospital, under renovation. The medical institution in half a year has managed to attract considerable investments to carry out repair works.      

The speaker visited the Leova-Bumbata border crossing point with Romania and the households of those three farmers who had to give up their lands for the construction of the access road. Igor Grosu gave assurances that the authorities would make efforts, in order to ensure the uninterrupted work of the Leova-Bumbata border checkpoint.    

„I was happy to learn that the traffic is continuously increasing here, so that along with our friends from Romania, we make it work 24 hours as soon as possible. Two years ago, a meadow was here on the bank of Prut, as well as a farm. With an exemplary mobilization, we have presently a modern border crossing point, a bypass road, as well as asphalted ways of access to Leova. A car park for 100 trucks and other facilities were arranged, from which thousands of people of the region, as well as of the entire country benefit,’’ the parliament speaker noted.      

In the Tomai village, Igor Grosu got acquainted with a family which, after 15 years of work in Germany, had returned home and developed a business of cultivating asparagus, delivered to restaurants from the Moldovan capital, as well as to networks of shops.     

Ana and Anatolie Petică developed their business with the help of the PARE 1+1 programme; they purchased technology and specialty materials.   

„Our priority is to encourage the business people through good laws, such programmes as PARE 1+2, Organization of Entrepreneurship Development, Agency of Interventions and Payments for Agriculture and thus we will develop our villages and cities,’’ Igor Grosu said.   

The Leova district has a population of over 44,000 residents. The administrative unit has 39 settlements: 2 cities, 23 communes and 14 villages.   













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