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Moldovan PM invites Diaspora from Greece to discussion during visit due to be paid to Athens

14:53 | 29.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 29 June /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean on 1 July will pay a working visit to Greece. The first event on the PM’s agenda will be a meeting with Moldovan citizens living in Greece. Moldova’s Ambassador to Greece Andrei Popov has made statements to this effect.     

Moldovans from the Diaspora are invited to the Antonis Tritsis Cultural Centre from Athens. Prime Minister Dorin Recean launched the invitation to the discussions.

„Dear Moldovans who live in Greece, I invite you to a discussion on Monday, 1 July, at 19:00 (local hour), on the occasion of the visit I am to pay to Athens,’’ Dorin Recean said.  

„This visit wants to start with fellow countrymen,’’ Ambassador to Greece Andrei Popov said in his addressing to the Moldovans settled in Greece. The Moldovan diplomat also said that the prime minister would discuss with the Diaspora the latest developments in Moldova and urged the fellow countrymen to be active, to speak about their life in Greece, the problems faced. ‘’We would like to have an interactive exchange, so that Mr. Prime Minister as good as possible understands the situation, the complaints, problems of our Diaspora from Greece, how our authorities can help. We invite you to this meeting, which I am sure will be a spiritual one,’’ Andrei Popov said.   

Popov noted that this would be the first visit to Greece by a Moldovan prime minister in the last 16 years. At the same time, the ambassador provided some details on the visit’s agenda. Dorin Recean will give a speech at an international conference; will have meetings with representatives of the leadership of Greece, as well as with representatives of the Greek business environment.   

At a meeting on 26 June, the cabinet of ministers approved the signing of the Agreement between the governments of Moldova and Greece on the mutual recognition and conversion of driver’s licences. The agreement’s entering into force will facilitate the road traffic and will remove the bureaucratic hindrances for the citizens who live, work or travel between the two countries. The acts will be converted without the need to take a theoretical and/or practical exam, reads the document approved by the cabinet.  

According to the official data, about 30,000 Moldovan citizens live in Greece.




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